Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

Guide Isi Qash heva pakai Vocuher Indosat

1. beli Vocuher Indosat,
2.daftar ke Ipay https://ipay.indosatm2.com
3.setelah mendaftar, verititifikasi akun, segeralah Top-UP Point nya dengan Code Vocuher Indosat
My Account > Top-UP pilih "indosat Vocuher"

4.lalu isi Code vocuher indosat kamu dan masukkan capcay nya(capcay nya pakek huruf CAPS)

5.nah, Point mu telah terisi, jumlah nominal voucher akan sama dengan Pointnya, misal voucher indosat 100k, ya dpt 100k juga,
terus ke  Shop>by merchant, cari Qeon Interactive, Klick "More Detail"nya

6 Pilih qash yang kamu butuhkan Klik "add to cart"

7 , kalau mau langsung beli, Klick "check out"

8. setelah terbeli, kamu akan ke direct ke History > item purchased
Key 1 nya adalah Code Voucher Qash Heva nya, langsung aja kk / cc Isi qash nya :v

Gampang kan? Ayo bantu heva dengan membeli Qash, aman, gak bakal ketipu... klo jasa beli gold2 gtuan Ati2 aja kena Tipu...

Guild by Yandere Queen,Guild member of FastHunt

Senin, 23 Juli 2012

how to donate with pulse [Indonesian only]

pertama.. kamu memerlukan 
voucher isi ulang indosat [harus vocher]
top up akun I - PAY minimum 10rb
disini tidak perlu menggunakan kartu indosat, semata2 voucher untuk menggantikan pulsa/cara donate

1 pertama daftar account di I pay https://ipay.indosatm2.com/
jangan lupa memvertivikasi acount di email kmu..

2 login ke I-PAY, lalu klick TOP UP

3 pilih option top up yaitu "indosat voucher", klick tulisan top up sebelah kanan

4  masukkan kode digit voucher indosat kmu, masukan kode chapcha, dan selesai
5, lihat, point IP , itu jumpah IP sama dengan jumlah voucher yg kmu isi
lalu. kmu ke shop, pilih merchant
dan cari "cherry credit" 
karena kita bsa donate pakai cherry credit
6 pilih Cherry point sesuai bugjed kantong kmu[IP point maksudnya]

7 . check out, memvertivikasi pembelian kmu, klick pay now

8 lalu, luhat item purchaced, [sudah di direct setelah membeli]
nah.. di situ informasi point CC kmu telah beli, copy SN dan key nya,
di note pad atau apalah yg penting di catat :D

9  skarang daftar di www.cherrycredits.com/en
ingat, pin code apalah pokoknya inti dari daftarnya jangan sampai lupa ya

10 kedua... klo ud daftar, klick namamu, terus klick check balance
lalu klick ToP- up CC

11klick gambar I - pay

masukan kode SN [serial no.] dan key [ security code] yg telah kmu dpt setalah mebeli di IPAY
klick SUMIT

setelah top up selsai, kamu ke 7 luna, klick donate
jangan logout dari cherry credit ya
pilih cherry credit yg pas dengan jumlah CC point mu yg ad
terus  window terbuka, login pakai id dan password cherry kamu, vertivikasi dan done, kmuu dpt
premium point

guide ini dengan banyuan firman, thx kk firman <3 TTM <3 OKWAOKAWOW

Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

error D3DDevice

if you cant play luna plus/ online
with this error
fail to create D3DDevice
you must update direct X, minimum for
luna plus is version 9++
next check ur VGA driver

1. first klick "start" then klick run
2. type txt " dxdiag " then klick run / ok

3. check the version on the system tab and look at the system information 
and see "directx version", the minimum is 9.00

if you have below 9.00 you must update the ur Dirext at this Link 


if you have has dirext 9.00 above and has have keep the error
u must check ur seting, how do it i will tell you @ here
1. klick right klick on ur Destop, klick properties
then select tab of setting , then click advanced
and new window pop up, then klick troubleshoot tab

ur hardware acceleration MUST all on Full, take it full, many problem direct doest want progress from this
make it the bar go to full :)

done, u will can play luna plus :D

update dirext X

  • 1
    Go to Microsoft's DirectX 9.0c download page (download page).
    new widow opened when click download , check only
    DirectX Software Development Kit
                 DirectX 11 Technology Update

    then klick next, download will start otomaticly
  • 2
  • open ur location directory of dirext installer and installer
  • then open the files[of ur downloads] , the installer will pop up otomaticly
  • Click "Yes" after reading the terms and agreements
  • 3
  • Click "OK." The download program will copy the files and install DirectX 9.0c on your computer.

    done after updating, then restart your computer :D
  • question and answer

    just comment here and tell ur problems :D

    success rates of enchanment

    0 to 1 100.00%
    1 to 2 99.90%
    2 to 3 84.30%
    3 to 4 70.80%
    4 to 5 59.30%
    5 to 6 49.50%
    6 to 7 34.70%
    7 to 8 28.60%
    8 to 9 23.20%
    9 to 10 16.70%
    10 to 11 10.70%
    11 to 12 6.20%
    12 to 13 4.20%
    13 to 14 3.50%
    14 to 15 2.80%

    NB :1. enchantment  rate work only for enchant without scrool, and any scroll protection expect blessed pukerian scroll, [100% for enchantment lvl 1~12
          : 2. rates enchant without sroll protection only max +14 to +15

    reinforce rates

    Fairy’s Wings / High Quality Fairy’s Wing
    Move Speed 105 / 150 Shoes

    Thunder Crystal / High Quality Thunder Crystal
    Strike 21 / 30 Gloves

    Wind Crystal / High Quality Wind Crystal
    Evasion 21 / 30 Shoes

    Litheon / High Quality Litheon
    Critical 105 / 150 Weapons

    Moonstone / High Quality Moonstone
    Magic Attack 21 /30 Weapons

    Argentum / High Quality Argentum
    Magic Defense 21 / 30 Armors

    Orichalcum / High Quality Orichalcum
    Physical Attack 21 / 30 Weapons

    Durelin / High Quality Durelin
    Physical Defense 21 / 30 Armors

    Ruby / High Quality Ruby
    Strength 28 / 40 Armors, Gloves

    Opal / High Quality Opal
    Vitality 28 / 40 Armors, Shoes

    Emerald / High Quality Emerald
    Dexterity 28 / 40 Helms, Shoes

    Aquamarine / High Quality Aquamarine
    Intelligence 28 / 40 Helms, Gloves

    Sapphire / High Quality Sapphire
    Wisdom 28 / 40 Helms, Gloves

    Manastone / High Quality Manastone
    Max MP 1400 / 2000 Rings, Earrings

    Heart Stone / High Quality Heart Stone
    Max HP 1400 / 2000 Armors, Necklaces

    Mind Stone / High Quality Mind Stone
    MP Regen 28 / 40 Necklaces, Earrings

    Stone of Life / High Quality Stone of Life
    HP Regen 28 / 40 Shoes, Rings, Necklaces

    SUMBER : luna PH forum